This colorful, compact, and structural bean bag chair is designed for dorms and tiny areas. It is lightweight and can be easily moved from one room to another. It is 31.5" W x 29" D x 27" H. It is an excellent chair for children, teenagers, and little adults. The convenient drink holder and pocket are fantastic. Clean up spills as needed. When you sit on it, it is incredibly comfortable because it is filled with a precisely measured amount of fill. If you're searching for a small, structural bean bag chair with a distinctive design that provides a terrific seat every time, The Dorm is a fantastic option. Since all well-loved bean bags compress over time, bean refill bags are provided separately so you may give it a pick-me-up whenever needed. We purposefully cut off the exterior zipper pull before shipping for reasons of both kid safety and durability. You can easily pull your bag open with a paperclip if you need to. On the caution notice affixed to your Big Joe are detailed instructions. Although the cover cannot be removed, it can occasionally be spot cleaned.